Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top 10: Workout Songs

I don’t know what I’d do at the gym if it wasn’t for my iPod.  Yes, I go to a gym that has twenty (yes, 20!) TVs lining the cardio equipment, but I can’t stand watching TV while working out - I definitely find music motivates and drives me more effectively.  So, out of the 138 songs on my workout playlist, I decided to list out my “Top 10” and let you know about them!  Make sure to comment and let me know what your recommended tunes are to get the best workout so I can make sure to download too!

#1 Best I Ever Had (Gavin DeGraw)

Best For: fast paced cardio

Super up-beat and easy to keep up with, I absolutely love this song.  I will play this to pick up the pace of my 5k loop or keep the speed up on the stationary bike.  

Random fun fact: This song was supposed to be played at mine and Andrew’s wedding reception (but wasn’t) because we had invited guests from all of the states Gavin lists in the song except North Dakota....

#2 Love Don’t Die (The Fray)

Best For: Interval training

I will put this song on repeat for interval training.  Not only is it positive, upbeat song -  it has durations perfect for mild interval training.

#3 "Carolina Boys" (Lee Brice)

Best For: A fun pick-me-up in the middle of your workout when you find yourself checking the time on the clock

I know I consistently find myself in a tug-of-war between my body and mind when it comes to pushing through my workouts.  When this song comes on, it’s so fun and upbeat, it helps reset my brain to the workout at hand.  Plus, it doesn’t hurt that I have myself a Carolina Boy.  ;)

#4 “All the Right Moves” (OneRepublic)

Best For: Low intensity floor workouts/stretches

I find myself drawn to this song when I’m working on strengthening my core on the floor.   Doesn’t exactly scream “workout” material when you first listen to it, but watch the music video and listen to it a few times more, and you’ll get sucked in.

# 5 “Eyes Open” (Taylor Swift)

Best For: Cool Downs

I think the lyrics of this song get me motivated more than anything.  Even in the “slower” moments of my workouts, I still want to be motivated and pushed.

“Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown // Everybody's watching to see the fallout // Even when you're sleeping, sleeping // Keep your eyes open”

# 6 “Mighty Warrior” (Elevation Worship)

Best For: Spiritual/Body workout combo

I have a huge mix of types of music on my workout list, but would be at a loss if I didn’t include some praise and worship music too.  I especially love this song because of the upbeat tempo.  I catch myself singing this song mid-workout at times, even!

#7 “Everything to Everyone” (Everclear) -or- “Fall Behind Me” (The Donnas)

Best For: Weight training after an especially stressful day

I don’t know, but I find these songs to be incredibly cathartic during weight training sessions after I’ve had my tail handed to me at work between obligations and clients.  And I usually find myself pushing myself a little harder than I normally would when these songs comes on.

#8 “My Body” (Young the Giant)

Best For:  When you need that extra motivation to push through the last part of your workout

I think the line “My body tells me no // But I won't quit // Cause I want more” is motivation enough.

And I find it interesting how the song came about (because I’m a nerd like that):

“According to singer Sameer Gadhia, "My Body" was conceived at the end of a frustrating day for the band. "Why don't we just jam something out, like the most ridiculous thing you could imagine?" Gadhia recalled the discussion. "It doesn't even have to make sense. Just yell it out, because it means you're releasing your tension." Ten minutes later, he said, "the entire song had been created.””

#9 “Kryptonite” (E-Manuel)

Best For: Motivation to pump out the most intense sprint possible

Yes, this is the Punk Goes Crunk cover of this song.  I used to always make sure that this was one of the songs that came on when I would do my “Zombies, Run!” workouts last spring/summer.  I definitely gets your pace up and keeps it up for the duration of the song!

#10 "Stand By Me" (KI:Theory)

Best For: Your indie-rock workout fix

I’ll be honest, I’m somewhat obsessed with this song.  It’s not your typical “Stand By Me” cover, I’ll forewarn you.  I was introduced to this song when it was used at the closing of an episode of one of my favorite shows, “The Following”.  Very dark, but still awesome!  (FYI - KI:Theory’s entire album is available for complete download for free at kitheory.com)

So...what’s your workout tune fix?  Let me know!  I’m always looking for new songs to add to my list!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rejection, and Why it's Good for the Soul

When I stand back a look at my life as a bystander observing, sometimes I have to just smile and laugh. Not because it's necessarily funny.  But because of how everything in my life lines up just.  so.  sometimes.

Like, with eerie precision.

Of course, I know this is not because of my doing, but because of God's perfect timing.

I'm just gonna put it out there blatantly:  I got rejected.  I've had a few people ask lately about my doctoral application to a particular program, and I didn't have an answer until about 4pm today.  And it wasn't the one I had been hoping for.

But it was the one I had been praying for.

Let's not confuse that last statement - I didn't pray that I would get turned down from a doctoral program that I honestly felt was a terrific match to my academic interests and professional passions.  But I also hadn't been praying to necessarily get in.  I had been praying for God's will through it all.

Am I disappointed? Absolutely.  From one perspective, it was bound to happen.  See, over my academic career, I've applied to 4 undergraduate programs and 3 graduate (masters level) programs - and never once have I gotten a rejected.  Not even wait listed.  And I'm fortunate and privileged for that.

But I'm also fortunate and privileged for answered prayer.

Am I upset?  Sad?  Mad?  No.  I'm actually content with this.  At complete peace.  I can't be sad or mad about this - my God listened to my prayers (and the prayers of others), and he answered.  He delivered.

And trust me, I'm not posting this entry to garner sympathy from others.  Please, don't apologize in sympathy or empathy for me.  Don't tell me you're sorry.  Because I'm not.  I'm not sorry at all - there's nothing to be sorry for!  I asked my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray with purpose, they did, and this is the answer - that's something to be thankful for!

Does rejection sting?  Definitely.  Is in uncomfortable?  Oh yes.

But it's what we do in these moments that have the ultimate impact in our lives long term.  Do you shut down?  Take one rejection as a sign telling you that your passions, desires, and dreams are ridiculous and unobtainable?

Or do you consider the other potential reasons - maybe this is the right time?  The right place?  The right (whatever) - the potential of other reasons is endless, honestly!

My life verse since I was a teenager has been Jeremiah 29:11.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

To me, my God has never been one of limiting people's potential or "boxing people in".  God doesn't tell us, "the life you're living right now is just how it's going to be."  I read Jeremiah 29:11, and I see a God who wants me (and us!) to grow - to flourish.   Become better.  Smarter.  Stronger.  Healthier.  The list goes on and on...

I'm choosing to see this rejection as something positive.  An area of growth and learning.  A chance to persevere and try again - maybe not with the same strategy or game plan, but try again nonetheless.  A chance for me to sit back and truly acknowledge that God hears me and he answers my prayers.  I think we can learn a lot about God and his faithfulness in the moments when he answers prayer in ways adverse to our worldly desires.

God knows what he's doing.  He always has.  He always will.

And I'm honestly more excited to ever to find out what that is...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why the Change?


That's the number of days I've been invested in my lifestyle adjustment.  I was hesitant to write at length about the motivation behind the adjustments I've been making until now due to not knowing if I would truly embrace these changes, if they'd work, or if I would be received by friends and peers as just trying to tout another "fad diet".

But I can assure you - my motives are genuine.  I've already noticed a notable change in my mind, body, and spirit as a result of making these adjustments.  Not just mine.  But my family (my parents have lost over 100 pounds combined!  Wow!  - but that's a story for another post at another time!).  My husband's family.  My closest friends.  My coworkers.  And let me tell you, I've found an amazing support system around me by doing this.

I've started this blog for multiple reasons.  First, I'm a much better at writing out what I'm trying to say than I am at actually talking.  When I speak, I trip over my words, I speak too soon, I say too much.  When I write, I'm more coherent, more thoughtful, more articulate.  Secondly, I'm busy.  My job keeps me crazy busy.  I work twelve hours a day at least 2 days a week.  My job requires that one week a month, I'm accessible 24/7.  I'm a team lead - a boss.  I'm responsible for a team of people and their job performance.  I'm a therapist - a counselor.  I'm responsible of other's mental health treatment.  I don't always have time to post updates.  But, as evident by this post, when I want to update you, I can make it substantial and worth your while! :)

My story (At least, approximately 4 years of background of "My story")

Let me give a little bit of background information as to what has motivated me to make my change and commit to a journey of health and wellness.

As many (but certainly not all) of you know - I've had a myriad of health conditions over the past few years.  Everything from IBD to confounding reproductive health issues (PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, menorrhagia - have fun looking those up!) to chronic, debilitating anemia.   

At my darkest, unhealthiest moment, my hemoglobin levels dropped to an astounding 3.7.  For comparison, the lower end of a "healthy" range of hemoglobin in the blood for a female is around 12 - around a 8 or 9, many doctors begin discussing blood transfusions with their patients.  Needless to say, over the next couple of years I underwent multiple blood transfusions, had estrogen infused directly into my body for a 24 hour period, and underwent weekly iron infusions for a period of time due to my body not being able to absorb oral iron supplements any longer.  

I think it's really telling when I look back at my life during this time, browse my computer, etc. and realize that I honestly don't really have any pictures of me during this time.

All of these before mentioned measures helped alleviate some of the immediate health issues, but definitely didn't address the underlying, persistent, SERIOUS medical issues I was experiencing.  That's when I was given the following options: undergo a full hysterectomy at the age of 25 or undergo a 6-month regimen of an exhausting (in my experience) injection/medication called Lupron.  You may have heard of it.  It is actually a drug that is used to treat advanced prostate cancer in men by reducing the amount of testosterone the body produces.  In women, it treats endometriosis and is used in conjunction with other  medications in infertility treatments.  It reduces the amount of estrogen a woman's body produces.  The way my (new) doctor explained it to me (I fired the doctor that recommended the hysterectomy during this time - I just thought that was a hasty recommendation to make), Lupron would "reboot" my body.  Little did I realize, "reboot" was a nice way of saying I was going to be slung into the pits of menopause in my mid-20's.  

Don't get me wrong - I don't feel like my doctor misled me.  Lupron was exactly as my doctor had explained.  The medicine did what it was supposed to (And, btw - I HIGHLY recommend this particular doctor - I'm forever grateful to a friend who recommended him!).  

However, it did a lot of other things.  Going through full-fledged menopause for 6 months at the age I was took it's toll on my young body.  Over the course of those 6 months, I gained about 35 pounds.  My energy levels were absolutely shot.  It wasn't until about 6 months after being completely off the shots that I started feeling like my old self in some capacity again.  I still get residual pain in my hip where the injections were administered from time to time.  I ache like no other at other times.  

If I knew then what I know now about how Lupron would affect my body, would I do it over again?  Absolutely.  Without a doubt.  I was being confronted with a "get out of jail free" card of sorts - Lupron was my last line of medicinal intervention before very invasive and personal surgery, and I feel as if it has done it's part in mending certain medical issues that were wreaking havoc in my life.

So why am I making this change in my life?

I want to be healthy so I can be there for my children (when that time comes).  I want to be healthy so I can HAVE children.  I'm not claiming that the changes I'm making are some miracle combination or cure to make me more fertile, make me conceive quicker, etc.  That's foolish and ridiculous.  What I mean by saying that is that I was fortunate enough to be given a second chance with the body God blessed me with, and I am going to give it all of my effort to ensure that I do my part to maintain a healthy body moving forward.  My health issues weren't my fault or doing, I know - but there are small changes and lifestyle adjustments I can make to aid in keeping symptoms from returning again.  If I can't have children ultimately, that's ok - I've come to accept this as a possible truth.  Andrew and I have discussed and determined that we will adopt to grow our family.  And at that point, I will still want to be healthy so I can HAVE children as my own - maybe not by biological means, but still have them nonetheless.

Also, let me just get real with you for a second - the above mentioned medical procedures weren't cheap.  If I'm being honest.  Over the past 3 years, I've been able to claim over $17,000 in medical expenses on my taxes.  If I can offset those costs by simply investing my money in a healthy, life promoting lifestyle change for a fraction of the price - it's definitely worth it to me!

Finally, some of my own prayers have already been answered through the success others have found with this.  I've seen others succeed and thrive.  I've seen profound change be accomplished in others.  I've already noticed change in myself as well.  20 days in, and already have shed 11.5 pounds.  20 days in, and I'm already down 15 inches.  I'm excited and motivated by these more immediate results.  But I'm also anxious and eager to see what other positive results it brings about!

So what now?

Follow Me - Read my blog.  Leave comments on my posts.  Give your input.  Discuss topics with me and others.  This helps motivate me!  It helps keep me accountable.  I already have a great support system around me, but adding to that would always be a great asset!

Support Me - How I'm deciding to address my personal health and wellness may not be for you - that's fine.  It's not for everyone.  It doesn't hurt my feelings in the slightest.  We all choose our own path to health and wellness - even sometimes choosing paths that have direct adverse affects on these two elements of our lives.  All I ask is that you be supportive.  I would never want to tear someone down who was trying to make positive change in their life.  I would never want to negatively impact someone's positive journey.

Ask Me - If you want to know more about what changes I'm making and have made to my life, ask me!  If you want to know more about the health and wellness system that I've implemented in my daily routine, I'm more than happy to inform!  I want this journey in my life to encourage and illicit positive change in others - I want to talk to you!  Feel free to reach out to me at any time, through any means.  And if you feel like you have friends, family, or anyone you know who may be interested in following my journey, or might want to talk with me, feel free to share or pass along!